Enroller brings student and educational institutes on one platform.
Institutes can publish online forms, accept applications, manage supporting documents and shortlist applicants.
Built on modern technology stack, Enroller support complex form layouts and workflows to meet the application criteria for streams like
arts, medicine, engineering, architecture, psychology, law, history, business, biology, etc.
We also do customized deployments. Please write to us and share more details about your requirements.
As an admin, you manage programs and applicants at scale. Schedule interviews, shortlist and categorizes applications. Build reports from the dashboard and share with management.
Workflow based approach to ease application process. Split the application form in sections. The applicants sign up, save draft, upload supporting documents, review & submit final application.
Publish any number of application forms and accept unlimited applicants.
Enroller works universally. Students can apply from any device any time. They can save drafts and complete the application later.
Try out the demo installation or request for in person demo.
No fake commitments. What's the point of selling if something is not useful to our customers? Money back, if we do not meet your expecataions.